1. Digital Intelligence for Tissue Pathology, Molecular Diagnostics & Image Analysis Training Schools, Notingamas, JK, 2020
  2. The Immunogradient of CD8+ cell density in the tumour-stroma interface zone predicts overall survival of patients with hormone receptor-positive invasive ductal breast carcinoma. 31st European Congress of Pathology, Nica, Prancūzija, 2019.
  3. Prognostic value of CD8 Immunogradient indicators in tumour-stroma interface zone of colorectal cancer. 31st European Congress of Pathology, Nica, Prancūzija, 2019.
  4. Deep Context Pathology for Precision Medicine. 4th International Conference on Digital Pathology, Ciurichas, Šveicarija, 2019.
  5. Automated tumour-stroma interface zone CD8+ Immunogradient indicators predict overall survival of the patients with breast and colorectal carcinoma. Immuno-Oncology Summit, Bostonas, JAV, 2019.
  6. Benefits of digital pathology. 15th International Congress for Stereology and Image Analysis, Orhusas, Danija, 2019.
  7. Pathology image analytics: going beyond visual. Image Analysis Training School (IATS), Viena, Austrija, 2019.
  8. Deciphering tissue microenvironment with imaging and analytics. 15th European Congress on Digital Pathology, Varvikas, JK, 2019.
  9. Digital Pathology Analytics for Biomarker Assessment. Cancer Immunotherapy Workshop, Ryga, Latvija, 2018.
  10. Tissue Pathology, Mining Deeper with Imaging and Analytics. 162nd ICB Seminar, Varšuva, Lenkija, 2018.
  11. Getting Pathology Pixels to Work. 14th European Congress of Digital Pathology, Helsinkis, Suomija, 2018.
  12. Tissue Pathology Analytics: Digging Out More. UC Davis, Pathology Department, Sacramento Kanada, JAV, 2018
  13. Reading IHC Slides: Can Machines Do Better Than Humans? 10th Joint Meeting of the British Division of the International Academy of Pathology and the Pathological Society of Great Britain & Ireland, Belfastas, JK, 2017.
  14. Digital Pathology - Getting Online. 24th German Baltic Symposium and IAP Baltic Division meeting, Ryga, Latvija, 2017.
  15. HPV and cancer. IncoNet EaP Twinning Grants Project, New Vision University, Tbilisis, Sakartvelas, 2016.
  16. Pathology Online - Ready To Use? Leeds University Hospital, Department of Pathology, JK, 2017.
  17. Pathology Online - Ready To Use? 4th Nordic Symposium on Digital Pathology, Linkopingas, Švedija 2016.
  18. Comprehensive Immunohistochemistry: Digital, Analytical and Integrated. XXXI International Congress of the International Academy of Pathology and 28th Congress of the European Society of Pathology, Kelnas, Vokietija, 2016.
  19. Comprehensive Immunohistochemistry: Digital, Analytical, Integrated. AstraZeneca, Kembridžas, JK, 2016.
  20. Comprehensive Immunohistochemistry: Digital, Analytical, Integrated. Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Department of Pathology, Masačusetsas, JAV, 2016.
  21. Automated Image Analysis of HER2 FISH Enables New Definitions of Genetic Heterogeneity in Breast Cancer Tissue. 13th European Congress on Digital Pathology, Berlynas, Vokietija, 2016.
  22. Poster: Automated Image Analysis of HER2 FISH in Breast Cancer Tissue to Support Cell Heterogeneity, 3rd Nordic Symposium on Digital Pathology, Linkopingas, Švedija, 2015.
  23. Poster: Comprehensive Ki67 Immunohistochemistry in Breast Cancer Based on Hexagonal Tiling of Digital Image Analysis Data. 22nd International Molecular Medicine Tri-Conference, San Franciskas, JAV, 2015.
  24. Digital Immunohistochemistry for Tissue-Based Diagnosis and Research: What Could and Should be Done? Digital Pathology Congress, Londonas, JK, 2014.
  25. Digital Immunohistochemistry to Retrieve Novel Information on Biomarker Expression. 26th European Congress of Pathology, Londonas, JK, 2014.
  26. Digital Immunohistochemistry Platform for the Staining Variation Monitoring Based on Integration of Image and Statistical Analyses with Laboratory Information System. 12th European Congress on Digital Pathology, Paryžius, Prancūzija, 2014.
  27. Digital Immunohistochemistry Wizard: Image Analysis-Assisted Stereology Tool to Produce Reference Data Set for Calibration and Quality Control. 12th European Congress on Digital Pathology), Paryžius, Prancūzija, 2014.
  28. Automated Image Analysis Enables Accurate Enumeration of the Ki-67 Labeling Index of Breast Cancer. 25th European Congress of Pathology, Lisabona, Portugalija, 2013.
  29. Poster: A methodology to ensure and improve accuracy of Ki67 digital immunohistochemistry analysis in breast cancer tissue. Advances in Breast Cancer Research: Genetics, Biology, and Clinical Application, San Antonio, Kanada, JAV, 2013.
  30. Digital Image Analysis for Better Accuracy in Pathology. XXIX Congress of International Academy of Pathology, Keiptaunas, PAR, 2012.
  31. Perspectives of Routine Tissue-Based Diagnosis: Lean and Digital. 24th European Congress of Pathology, Praha, Čekija, 2012.
  32. Digital Immunohistochemistry: New Horizons and Practical Solutions in Breast Cancer Pathology. 11th European Congress on Telepathology and Virtual Microscopy, Venecija, Italija, 2012.
  33. Inter-Observer Variability and Evaluation of Automated Image Analysis Tools. 23rd European Congress of Pathology, Helsikis, Suomija, 2011.
  34. Digital Image Analysis in Pathology: Benefits and Obligations, 1st Congress of International Academy of Digital Pathology, Kvebekas, Kanada, 2011.
  35. The Results of Automated Image Analysis Workshop at the 10th European Congress on Telepathology and 4th International Congress on Virtual Microscopy, Pathology Visions, San Diegas, Kanada, JAV 2010.

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